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2.2 The AmFTP Interface

The main page of AmFTP If used in dirtool mode, is divided up into two main sections, and a smaller third section:

  1. Local File list (Left) - Displays files located on your computer.

  2. Remote File list (Right) - Displays files located on the remote server.

  3. Log Window (bottom) - Displays messages from either the local or the remote computer.

The operation of the main page is very similar to any "Directory Tool" you may have experience with. If you do not, the concept is simple: Files can be copied from one window to the other. Both windows are identical in operation with the exception of the Batch, send and receive gadgets.

At the top of each section, is the "path" text input gadget. Here you may type in a path to the files that you want to operate on, or you may select the path from the cycle gadget located just to the right of the input string. The gadget marked "Parent"will take you up one level in the directory structure.

Taking up most of each section is the file list, to the right of which is the file list scroll gadget. Use this to scroll up and down through the file listing. To the right of the scroll bar is a vertical column of gadgets which will perform operations on any selected files in the window to the left.

Below the two filelist sections reside the main functions for AmFTP:

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